
Timestream.cast Return this Timestream cast to the given data type.
Timestream.coalesce Return a Timestream containing the first non-null point from self and the arguments.
Timestream.else_ Return a Timestream containing self when not null, and other otherwise.
Timestream.explain Return an explanation of this Timestream will be executed.
Timestream.filter Return a Timestream containing only the points where condition is true.
Timestream.hash Return a Timestream containing the hash of the input.
Timestream.if_ Return a Timestream from self at points where condition is true, and null otherwise.
Timestream.lag Return a Timestream containing the value n points before each point.
Timestream.null_if Return a Timestream from self at points where condition is not false, and null otherwise.
Timestream.pipe Apply chainable functions that produce Timestreams.